Accurate contact information is essential for any marketing campaign. Data & Sons' connects buyers looking for quality contact information directly with marketing research companies, freelancers, and web scrapers. Already have great quality leads? Selling your leads on Data & Sons is a great way to bring in some extra money!
List of wedding planners and venues in the NYC metro area. List includes company name, address, phone, and website. Princing is included for most event planners and rating for most planners and venues (ratings from Cool dataset for anyone making a data driven wedding in the Big Apple!
Over 400 architecture firms in the Cleveland and Cincinatti markets. Company name, contact name, title, and phone. Over 140 email contacts also available.
Limited dataset providing physician's name, company, city, state, zip, and website. Dataset is useful for someone looking to build a more complete lead generation list with web scrapping or data entry to supplement current information. List was developed from manual data entry and web search.
Great lead generation dataset with the contact information for over 1600 executives in home goods design and retail. List includes company name, address, and primary contact phone and email. Secondary contact information provided for some companies. Data was collcted using web search and manual data entry. Very useful lead list fro anyone trying to sell products in the home goods category!
Over 3,000 computer repair companies in the state of California. Includes company name, address, phone, email, website, and web meta data. Data obtained from web scrapping.
Detailed list of over 15,000 auto repair and parts companies in the US. Dataset includes company name, category/sub-category, address, email, and website. Data collected from web scrapping with supplemental manual data entry. Great contact list for lead generation: we used the dataset for a MailChimp email campaign and had a 4.3% response rate. Great list for mailers or phone campaigns as well.
Contact information for over 20,000 restaurants across the US. All restaurants from the NAICS code 72251: Restaurants and Other Eating Places. This includes all set down, fast casual, fast food, and ethnic restaurants. List includes name, address, phone number, website, contact email address, and a brief description. Data was collected from a combination of web scrapping and manual data entry. Similar lists cost over $1500 from lead generation and business data companies.
Contact information for over 10,000 window tinting and blinds companies in the US. Company name, phone number, and address for each tinting company. Dataset contains tinting firms specializing in the auto industry as well. Data was collected through web search and manual entry from September to October 2017.
Comperable contact list would cost over $500 on most lead generation services.
The dataset contains the names, title, and webpages for the over 700 independent financial advisors that started business in 2017. The principal manager's email address is available for 397 of the companies. The data was collected using the Independent Adviser Registration Depository (IARD) and then manual web search and data entry ofr email addresses.
The dataset contains the name, principal manager title, and website for over 8000 independent financial management firms. Also included is the contact email addresses for 1,805 principal managers. The data was collected by first identifying investment firms through the Independent Adviser Registration Depository (IARD) and then web search and manual data entry to collect contact emails. The list represents IARD registered investment advisors as of Jan 2017.