Always looking for people striving to be their professional and personal best

Data & Sons Mission

We provide a best in class data market that enables and incentivizes people to exchange information

If you are interested in working at Data & Sons, please take a moment to consider what we look for in our people. We hope you share our values and can add to our talented team.

Our Values

Our Competencies


Our primary goal is to be the honest broker between data buyers and sellers. We must have complete integrity in all our dealings.

Data Literate

We possess the data analytics and science knowledge that enables us to understand our buyers and sellers needs.


We strive for WIN-WIN-WIN relationships where buyers, sellers, and market maker all prosper.

Market Savvy

We put together data buyers and sellers and need to anticipate the uses, strategies, and goals of all parties on our exchange.


We value asking lots of questions (especially why?), thinking about how things work, and wondering about how to make things better.

Open Thinking

We are smart and curious people open to new ideas and ways of doing things. In general, we seek people with broad and interesting experiences.


We require honest, open, and direct communication, and strive for transparency in our business.


We are always looking for new opportunities for our current clients and ways to serve new clients.

Respect & Dignity

Everyone has value and deserves basic respect and dignity. We can be honest, open, and direct without being bad colleagues.


We make decisions quickly and move faster.

Humble & Thankful

The transition to the knowledge economy is the great event of our generation. We are thankful we get to tell our grand kids some day about the role we are playing without letting it all go to our heads.

Common Sense

We look for the clearest path from A to B. We never cross dumb to get there nor bring drama along for the ride.

Current positions available
