Education Datasets

Management Department Research Productivity
Rows: 3606
Total publications in top tier management journals from 2014 to 2017 summarized by management departments. Totals articles published is the sum of all artciels published in Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Management, and Organization Science by department faculty.
Management Professor Research Productivity
Rows: 5332
Total publications in top tier management journals from 2014 to 2017 by each management professor. All articles published in Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Management, and Organization Science were collected and summarized in this dataset
Data Science Training Programs
Rows: 999
With data scientists in high demand, lots of training programs have started up to help people learn the skills necessary to enter the profession. I’m guessing many of you may have made a New Year’s resolution to learn/improve your data science skills, and thought a post identifying the numerous programs would be helpful. I spent a fair amount of time in 2017 researching the various data science training programs available and have categorized these programs by price, payment structure (flat fee, subscription, per class), and curriculum (structured vs ala carte). Please keep in mind I am not ranking these training programs, just categorizing them.
Texas Public & Private Schools
Rows: 18856
Complete list of public (including charter) and private schools in the State of Texas. Private school list incudes daycare, after school programs, and preschools. Complete contact information including address, point of contact (principal, owner, manager, etc.), email, website, and phone. Data was derived from State of Texas Education Agency and web scraping Texas Private School Accrediation Commission website and indiivudal schools sites. Information is current as of November 2017. Excellent for anyone doing marketing to Texas schools or research on Texas education.