Business Information & Financials Datasets

Global Apparel retail data
Rows: 56
This Data provide apparel Retail markets from 2013 - 2017 and forecasts from 2018 - 2022. On account of technological advances, people get used to purchase apparel online. It not only save time but more convenience for customer. This data provides apparel retail data to entrepreneur or the owner of online shop who aims to expand business. 
Global online retail data
Rows: 56
This data provides annual market data for  online Retail markets from 2013 - 2017 and forecasts from 2018 - 2022. For entrepreneur who aims to startup online retail shop this data provide reference point. 
Entrepreneur Online Marketing Tools
Rows: 25
Collection of online marketing services including CRM, email management & distribution, contact management, and content design service providers and pricing. List was compiled through discussion from Tampa Bay Wave Accelerator entrepreneurs and mentors. Please feel free to email me if you have any additions.
Public Corporation Auditors
Rows: 50982
Data set containing every U.S. based pubic corporation, the primary auditor of that company, and the auditor's opinions. Auditors' opinions of both financials and governance controls are provided. Finance opinion ranges from unaudited, unqualified (no issues), unqualified with specific language (no issues with explanation), qualified (limited, specific issues), no opinion, to adverse opinion (financial statements are not accurate). Governance controls opinion ranges from no opinion, effective (no issues), adverse (issues), disclaimer (unable to evaluate), to delayed filing.
Public Corporation Financials
$499.99 to $399.99
Rows: 65501
Select financial information of U.S. public corporations aggregated from the SEC's Edgar database. Data set includes income statement items (total revenue, total expenses, gross profit, net income, taxes, and EDIBTA), balance sheet items including (current & total assets, cash, debt, and current & total liabilities).